Rescue Me! Scottish Terrier Scottish Terrier Blog

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1,349,462 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Wanda Gray     Date: July 5, 2017 _
     Mutt is in the process of going to his new home. This is a happy/sad time. We do not really want to give him up, but age-related physical and mental problems dictate we must. Though I have not met his new parents yet, my intuition says he will be well loved and cared for. Thank you, Rescue Me!

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Sender: Terry Diamond     Date: November 5, 2016 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, I have made the right decision and found a very happy home for Barney. He has a Scottie brother now and living with his new daddy is wonderful. He goes to the park every day so they can be exercised, which is something I was unable to do. I feel confident with the choice i made. This site made it possible to find previous and present Scottie owners to choose from. Thank you so much.

Sender: Carol-Ann Devine     Date: July 12, 2016 _
     Kylie found a wonderful, wonderful forever home. We'll always keep in contact! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue

Sender: Van Stephens     Date: May 24, 2016 _
     We posted our Scotties, and within 24 hours, had them in a new wonderful loving home! We had multiple phone calls, emails, and texts wanting our Linus and Lucy! The hardest part was deciding WHICH AMAZING family to give them too! It was such a hard decision, but when it came down to it, we kept them close by. We thank you and would recommend Rescue Me at any time to anyone. Rescue Me made a very difficult situation for us just a little easier, knowing there were so many homes to choose from all over the United States. We wanted our 'baby dogs', as we have affectionately called them for some time now, to continue to be spoiled rotten! They are such special parts of our lives and we had to make an utmost difficult decision. Thank you to every Scottie-lover out there who inquired about Linus and Lucy, and for Rescue Me making this all possible!

Sender: Kevin Sigler     Date: January 9, 2016 _
     Sarg found a new home about 50 miles from where he came from. He is seven and is new family has a two year old female. They already seem to be getting along great. Thank you, Rescue Me. We are grateful.

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Sender: Kelly Thoason     Date: June 23, 2015 _
     Thank you so much for your Rescue Me website. I work with the Humane Association and you have helped us find homes for many of our animals. Your site has sent us many interested, qualified adopters and we appreciate it! Thanks Again, Kelly GCHA Coordinator

Sender: Fran Shelton     Date: December 6, 2014 _
     My daughter and I drove to pick up the newest member of our family. Everything happened so quickly! As soon as I saw the alert for Nollie and saw that adorable face I replied, hoping that we had found a companion for our Scottie, Fergus. Everything went very smoothly and the family that owned Nollie was just wonderful. We knew how hard it was for them to surrender him to a new family, as they loved him very much. So far, Nollie is adjusting very well to his new environment. He loves chasing the squirrels and big crows that come into our back yard. We got him a haircut the other day and he knows he is one handsome dog! Fergus is getting used to not being the 'only child' and he and Nollie are both very good at sharing their toys and beds with each other. We are so glad to have him in our home. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Cyndee Wright     Date: December 2, 2014 _
     I'm not exactly sure what made me click on your link. I looked up pet adoptions and found you. When I saw Lola, I immediately emailed Northwest Dog Project and they emailed me back the same night. That was a Sunday, and by the following Sunday, Lola had found her forever home. It really was that immediate. Thank you so much Rescue Me and your affiliations for helping Lola find us.

Sender: Christyne Mills     Date: August 13, 2014 _
     Collin found himself without a home of his own for the third time. His current owner was a 73 year old woman that needed to go into an assisted living home and was unsure how to get help. Her groomer contacted a rescue group that had a full house, so she started a web of contacts that led to my rescue. I have used Rescue Me before with success and I wasn't disappointed this time. I received over 10 applicants on the first day for an eight year old boy. Selfishly, I would've loved for him to stay longer, but Rescue Me helped him find his forever home.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue

Sender: Penny Hardey     Date: May 15, 2014 _
     I recently posted both of my Scotties. They have been raised together for five years. I had to make the decision to give them up, due to an aging family member who recently came into my care. I was scared to death about this choice, but, within hours, several wonderful Scottie rescue organizations had found the perfect home for both of my girls together!! I am overjoyed to say the least, and so thankful for these wonderful caring people. This Rescue Me site is a God send for me, and I am forever in its debt.

Sender: Robin Ross     Date: March 31, 2014 _
     I was so impressed with this website. I had several people call me about our puppy. They all seemed genuinely concerned to learn more about our puppy. I was very picky with who I decided could adopt him and in the end, I found a wonderful lady who I feel will take excellent care of him and give him the love and attention he needs. I will keep in touch with her too, and may even visit in the near future. I couldn't have found a better person to care for him. I love this website and will recommend it to others who are looking for a dog. Thanks Rescue Me!

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Sender: Michael Hatch     Date: November 11, 2013 _
     Annie has been adopted by a loving couple who is thrilled to have her. Thanks to Rescue Me's Scottie adoption site for the connection to a new home for her!

Sender: Tim & Linda Miller     Date: August 27, 2013 _
     It was amazing the inquiries we received regarding our Scottish Terrier Abby. Everyone had a story that was touching, and it made us wish we could give everyone a Scottie, but there was only one Abby and she got a wonderful home. The right home for her, with the right people. We miss her and wish our health was better so we could have continued to care for her. Thank you to Rescue Me's Scottie Rescue for your services. You make it so much easier to find a good home for dogs in need.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Anita Dukes     Date: June 21, 2013 _
     Yesterday, we adopted Si, a fun loving Scottish Terrier mix puppy. He was put on Rescue Me! on Monday, and we called the owner and arranged to pick him up last night. She was kind enough to meet us part way to make the drive easier for us. We lost out beloved Cairn Terrier on April 1st and have been mourning a great deal. We finally decided to try again. We are very happy we were signed up on Rescue Me! to receive notifications. Keep up the good work, Rescue Me!

Sender: Vicki Marshall     Date: April 16, 2013 _
     I was surprised (and not really prepared) for the overwhelming number of responses I received. Angus is now living in a loving home with two golden retrievers and a fox terrier. Thanks to Rescue Me!, everyone is happier.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue

Sender: Anne Kearney     Date: April 8, 2013 _
     Hi, Jeff. I'm writing to say thanks for the great service Rescue Me! provided. Within an hour of posting my found Scottie on your site, I received an email and from there, they kept coming for days. I really appreciated the flexibility and immediacy of your site and was so encouraged by the response. I was impressed with the wonderful people who contacted me... I could tell they were true Scottie lovers willing to do whatever they could to help this little lost guy. He has found a terrific home with another Scottie and is settling in well. Mission accomplished and I can sleep at night knowing he's happy! Thanks for the service you provide!! Dogs and people are most appreciative!

Sender: Florence Bellenger     Date: January 27, 2013 _
     This is a wonderful service. I just heard of it today. A lovely couple was here to see my Scottie and they were perfect for Jack, and Jack now has a new home. Thank you very much, you are very wonderful. Florence

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Sender: Pam Leclair     Date: October 10, 2012 _
     I'm so happy for my Otis!! I rescued Otis from a farm where he was left to live in the barn!! He had terrible sores and fleas when I got him. I took him with the intent that he would be a wonderful companion for my other rescue Scottie, Archie. After weeks of TLC, Otis recovered from a prostate infection and his other ailments to be a fun, loving dog. However, I soon found out that there can only be 1 male in the household and he attempted to fight with Archie on a regular basis. I had to protect Archie so I decided to let someone else adopt him. Through this wonderful site, I had many generous loving people respond to my ad. He was rehomed to a fabulous woman in New Smyrna Beach, FL. It was sad for me to have to let him go, but I know he is in a great place and is very happy. I could not have been happier for him. Thank you!

Sender: Mimi Roa     Date: July 16, 2012 _
     Although it was one of the hardest things I had to do, giving up Marley for adoption was the right thing. I posted this morning and had a call within 2 hours. Thanks Mrs. B for taking in my little man. And to the three other great people who called, just keep trying for your scotty, and thanks for your stories and thoughts! Peace, MR

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Toni Otts     Date: June 14, 2012 _
     I was in a bad situation, I love my scotties very much, but I find myself with no place to live. I have been depending on my ex-roommate to take care of them. We lived at her house. My girl misty was injured badly. Not sure how. After posting on this site Misty and her brother Gilley were adopted in less than 24 hours. Thank you so much. As soon as I recover from Misty's 900 dollar vet bill I am going to ssend you a donation.

Sender: Ingrid Sidorov     Date: April 9, 2012 _
     Hi Jeff- Minnie found a wonderful home. Best, Ingrid

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue

Sender: Susan Marcotte     Date: February 9, 2012 _
     Hello Jeff...My Piper has found a wonderful home in Massachusetts. Your Rescue Me Scottish Terrier Rescue group is wonderful. I most certainly will make a donation. Thanking you again and keep up the wonderful work you do to find these special dogs a wonderful home. Susan Marcotte

Sender: Sheryl West     Date: January 13, 2012 _
     Jeff Sebastian was adopted. I had contact with a lady in Meridian Ms. And she helped me find him a home with Mary and David Shipman. Thanks. He was a beautiful and sweet dog but with my mother in-laws health issues' she could not keep him and we have 13 dogs ourselves so we could not either... Sheryl West

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Sender: Andrew Gilderson     Date: January 2, 2012 _
     THANK YOU !! Our Scottie, Duke, was seen by a number of people, and we found a loving home for him with a lovely lady who has an 8-year old Scottie already. We were surprised how quickly we heard, and found a place for him. Thank you!!. - Andrew

Sender: Manuel Parra     Date: October 25, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff, This was my first time using your site. I found it very helpful, many people contacted me within minutes of posting. I actually posted the Scottie as a favor for my neighbors who asked me if I could help them find a new home for their pet. I believe my neighbors did find a new home from a person who say the posting. Thank you. Manuel

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Kerri Culpepper     Date: August 28, 2011 _
     Jeff: Gracie was adopted today by a wonderful couple. I am so grateful for Rescue Me.Org in assisting me in finding Gracie a new home. The response to my post was received with many inquires by people who love animals and want to provide them homes. Thank you!

Sender: Diane Murphy     Date: August 25, 2011 _
     Dear Jeff, Brodie has found a new home! I am very happy with the placement. He is now right outside of Allentown PA. He has an 8yr old sister Scottie now. I was extremely pleased with the responses to my posting on your rescue site. I had many genuinely concerned and interested inquiries! Giving up my Brodie wasn't an easy decision for me to make, but was one needed to help him have a happier life. So many nice words were sent to me about my 'handsome' boy!! I am very grateful to your organization for providing the assistance necessary in adopting/rescuing Scotties. Sincerely, Diane Murphy

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Scottish Terrier Rescue

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